Weekly Travel Theme: Walls
Coming from North America, city walls are not a concept I think of much in…
Weekly Travel Theme: Bright
One thing you have to hand to the Caribbean is that they do not shy…
Benjamin Williams05 November 2012
Life at Sea; Culebra to Massachusetts Aboard the Wanderbird
"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the…
Benjamin Williams17 August 2011
Welcome to Culebra, Puerto Rico
"All we need, really, is a change from a near frigid to a tropical attitude…
Benjamin Williams16 August 2011
A Bar and a Beach, the Condado Experience
A few of us from the hostel were planning on hitting up a couple nearby…
Benjamin Williams15 August 2011
The Decaying Beach Resort: Isla Verde
The next morning, I was determined to see the entirety of the city. This time…
Benjamin Williams13 August 2011
My Accidental Trip to Old Town, San Juan
An old Spanish Plaza in Old San Juan. Richard, the live-in staff member I had…
Benjamin Williams06 August 2011
An Introduction to Hostels
To promote the education of all . . . by encouraging in them a greater…
Benjamin Williams03 August 2011
Back In the City: San Juan, Puerto Rico
“When you look at a city, it's like reading the hopes, aspirations and pride of…
Benjamin Williams02 August 2011