Convergence is, in a sense, one of the main tenants of Buddhism. All the deeds of your various incarnations string together and lead to what is, in essence, your current soul. The main monument of Budddhism, the stupa (or the pagoda, the chedi, the paya, the prang, etc.) is also a symbol of convergence, but of the entire universe. The stupa is the symbol of Mount Meru, the mythical mountain in Hinduism (and by extent, Buddhism) which makes up the the central cosmological core.
This particular model of Mt. Meru is one of the most ornate I have ever seen. Located in Mingun, outside of Mandalay, near what would have been the biggest Buddhist stupa in history, the Hsinbyume Paya features encircling ridges with inlaid Buddhas all leading up to the central point, converging in the classical heavenly point, the peak of the fabled Mount Meru.
Beautiful Picture!!!
Thank you
Gorgeous shot! Love the angle, light and shadows!
😎 very kewl StructuRe’ 😎 🙂
One of the cooler ones I’d seen around SE Asia. Thanks for looking!
Very well handled – and definitely fits the theme
Thanks a lot and for looking!
what a wonderful building, never seen anything like this one 😉
After a while, you do get stupa-ed out, but this one was certainly one of the cooler ones. Thanks.