A follow up to My Morning Commute – Path One, which I posted quite a while ago. This photo essay follows the quieter path of winding through the alleys and side neighborhoods of Pinklao on my way to the van pickup to go to work. Some more interesting characters and overall more pleasant, so long as you are not subjected to waves of agreesive motorbike drivers who think they own the footpaths and alleys.

The corner where I decide to hug the main street or cut through the side streets. This time I’m taking the side streets.

A small shop at the base of apartments across the alley from the Liu. Usuallly in the morning, they are fying food in a wok and occasionally drinking Leo Beers.

A nearly blind corner in the alley barely big enough for 1.5 people. Usually right about here is where we are nearly run over by a series of motorbikes.

Various debris covering a grilled animal product (I’m not sure it’s meat in the traditional sense) that opens later in the day.
Thanks so much for sharing all this information and taking photos! Love your site Ben!